Eskom suspends stage 2 rolling blackouts on Sunday


Connect Radio News

Eskom says it will suspend stage two rolling blackouts at 9 pm tonight. The power utility says the emergency generation reserves have adequately recovered.

Eskom says it is anticipating to return to service approximately 4 100 MW of generation capacity by Monday evening, which will further ease the capacity constraints.

At Medupi power station, the coal supply has normalised and a generating unit has returned to service while the Kendal ash plant has returned to full operation. Unfortunately, the station has suffered the failures of two generating units.

Eskom says they also had further breakdowns of a unit each at Kriel, Komati, and Arnot power stations, as well as a delay in returning a unit to service at Tutuka.

The power utility has appealed to all South Africans to continue using electricity sparingly and to switch off non-essential items.

Eskom implemented stage 2 blackouts on Saturday:

7 months ago