Family of teen killed by allegedly SANDF soldier want justice


Connect Radio News

The family of the late 19-year-old matriculant, Amogelang Assegai who was allegedly shot and killed by an SANDF soldier in 2022 in Kimberley, Northern Cape says they hope the justice system will prevail and keep the alleged killer behind bars.

The trial of the soldier, who is currently on parole, is expected to start in the Northern Cape High Court on July 22.

The accused faces a charge of murder.

Father of the deceased, Oduetse Ntsie says Amogeleng’s death has destroyed them.

“We really feel bad. We feel destroyed. No parent wants to bury their child. We will be going to court but reluctantly, to end up facing the murderer of our son. That on its own is killing us,” he said.

Ntsie says Assegai’s mother has not recovered from the trauma of having to bury her child.

His uncle, Thabo Ramabina, says it won’t harm the accused’s family if they come to visit and expresses regret following the incident.

Meanwhile, members of various community-based organisations confirmed that they will picket outside the court in support of the family.

10 days ago