Floyd to me is not just a comrade, he’s a brother: Malema


Connect Radio News

EFF leader Julius Malema says the door will always be opened for former Deputy President, Floyd Shivambu to return to the party.

This is despite the EFF constitution being opposed to party members who resign to join other parties, return to it. Malema made the comments during a press briefing in Johannesburg today, where Shivambu announced his resignation from the EFF.

Malema says he is saddened by Shivambu’s resignation, as he is like a brother to him.

“When he sent me a letter yesterday, I felt the same pain when I received the news of the passing away of my mother. Because Floyd, to me is not just a comrade, he’s a brother. And he will remain a brother even when he pursues his political career differently. We formed this organisation together and I have told him that resigning from the EFF is equal to resigning from himself.”

Malema says the party will not be replacing Shivambu yet. Malema says the party will do so at its People’s Assembly in December, where a new leadership will be elected. Speaking in Johannesburg the EFF leader says replacing Shivambu will only lead to unnecessary expectations.

“There will not be a replacement of the DP because we are going to the conference in December so there will be no need but also if you appoint anyone to be Deputy President now, you are creating expectations and when you arrive there that person is not elected as president you cause problems.”

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