The former head of the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) in Gauteng, Sifiso Kunene has been sentenced to six years imprisonment in the Durban Commercial Crimes Court for theft of trust funds.
The charge stems from a claim against the Road Accident Fund that was handled by the law firm in which Kunene was a partner before he joined the SIU.
The court heard that the claim was initially handled by Kunene’s partner in the firm before he was disbarred.
NPA spokesperson Natasha Ramkisson-Kara says the court heard that Kunene used the R170 000 that was owed to the client to pay bills and school fees.
“The Durban Specialised Commercial Crimes Court sentenced Kunene, who is the former head of the SIU in Gauteng to six years imprisonment of which two were wholly suspended for a period of five years on condition that he is not convicted of theft in the period of suspension. Kunene was convicted for theft of trust funds amounting to approximately R170 000 from the RAF claim made on behalf of the complainant, whose fiancé had passed away in a motor vehicle accident.”
The Durban Specialised Commercial Crimes Court has sentenced former Gauteng Special Investigating Unit (SIU) Head, Sifiso Phillip Kunene (54), to six years imprisonment.
— NPASouthAfrica (@NPA_Prosecutes) August 10, 2024