Four budgets to be debated by National Assembly today


Connect Radio News
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The National Assembly has started its mini plenaries for budget vote debates.

Parliament has until the end of this month to conclude and pass this year’s national budget.

The Health and International Relations and Co-operations budgets are some of the budgets that will be debated during the mini plenaries today.

The National Assembly Programme Committee, which met this morning, has confirmed which budget votes will be debated. Doctor Kanyaza Twala from Parliament’s Committee section outlined the Programme to the committee:

“At the moment we have a budget vote for the Office of the Justice by the Public Commissioner on Justice and Constitutional Development and International Relations and Cooperation. The Portfolio Committee has also published its report and the Minerals and Resources and Petroleum Committee and Health have also done so. These four are highlighted because they are going to be debated today. I wish to add that we managed to publicise the budget votes for Stats SA and Labour and Employment last night.”

6 hours ago