Gauteng government satisfied by youth response to weekend vaccination programme


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Gauteng Health MEC Nomathemba Mokgethi says she’s satisfied that many people, particularly the youth are responding to the government’s Vooma Vaccination weekend programme.

The campaign is aimed at getting more people to take the COVID-19 vaccine ahead of a fourth wave.

Over 3.2 million people have been fully vaccinated in Gauteng.

Mokgethi says: “What I have just seen is that the mobilisation was quite good because as you can see a lot came out to vaccinate. And they’re very happy. Because I think now the messages have gone through to them.

They know that the vaccination is safe. So we are also teaching them about the side effects and what to do when experiencing side effects. If they persist for more than three days at the back of our card there’s a number and they have to call that number.”

Meanwhile, South Africans who continue to ignore the COVID-19 vaccine have been warned to brace themselves for the worst.

This emerged during a webinar debate ahead of the Vooma Vaccination weekend campaign, in a bid to mitigate vaccine hesitancy and encourage the uptake of the vaccine.

Mitigating vaccine hesitancy in South Africa – webinar:

Over 13 million people have been fully vaccinated and four million others have received one dose of the Pfizer vaccine in the country.

Experts predict the country might experience the fourth wave of the pandemic towards the end of December and the beginning of January.

About 90 000 people have succumbed to the pandemic since March last year.

Health expert Dr David Harrison has warned South Africans about the importance of taking the COVID-19 vaccine before the start of the fourth wave.

2 years ago