Gauteng police still probing murder of forensic investigator


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Gauteng Police say they’re still probing the murder of City of Johannesburg Forensic Investigator, Benedict Sithole, who was gunned down last Thursday.

Sithole was part of the City’s Group Forensics and Investigation Services (GFIS), tasked with probing fraud, corruption and maladministration within the police department.

This while, Executive Mayor Kabelo Gwamanda in a statement alluded to a possible assassination at this early stage.

“Sithole was shot and killed in the Johannesburg CBD at an intersection on the Booysen’s Road, while travelling home. It is believed he was busy with sensitive corruption investigations at the time of his demise. The former Hawks detective was found with multiple gunshot wounds inside his vehicle, when it crashed into a wall after he was shot. He was declared dead on the scene by the paramedics.”

National Police Commissioner Fanie Masemola, “With regard to the murder of Benedict Sithole, the case is still under investigation. We haven’t yet made a breakthrough. We will be able to brief when we make some intros in terms of where we are with the case. The case has been prioritised by the Provincial Commissioner of Gauteng and we will be able to brief on that.”

One of his former colleagues, who agreed to speak anonymously, says he left the City’s Group Forensic and Investigation Services two years ago, because he feared for his life.

Gwamanda says the City will not be deterred in its efforts to fight corruption.

He says the City will get rid of those involved in corrupt and nefarious activities and Sithole was a victim for his contribution to this effort.

No arrests have been made so far.

Sithole’s family is distraught and have asked for space as they deal with the untimely loss of their loved one.

a day ago