GNU partners can’t agree all the time: Steenhuisen


Connect Radio News

The Democratic Alliance (DA) leader John Steenhuisen says it is important to note that partners in the Government of National Unity (GNU) will have several disagreements but it won’t necessarily mean the end of the GNU.

He was speaking at the meeting of the Cape Town Press Club on Thursday.

The DA has several ministers and deputy ministers serving in the government. Steenhuisen serves as Agriculture Minister.

Referring to the DA’s opposition to the Basic Education Laws Amendment bill, he says not every difference of opinion should be headlined as the end of the GNU.

Steenhuisen says, “You can’t expect all parties to agree all the time, don’t catastrophise. If the GNU cannot ensure growth and create jobs then there is no point in being a part of it. The deal is if the ANC continues to the country down the path of economic ruin it would be our patriotic duty to leave the government and use our position in Parliament, our 22% to stop the slide into catastrophe.”

He says, “I and my party are not going to allow anything to get in the way of ensuring that growth goes up and unemployment goes down. If that means causing a bit of distress within the GNU, well, so be it, the people of South Africa and  their interests are far more important than the feelings of politicians and right now we do not have a grip on the economic situation, the urgency that it requires.”

“We have no time or luxury given the five-year life span of the government to sit back for another few months and a few years of analysis paralysis, dialogue, trying to work out what the problems are. We know what the problems are in South Africa, it’s time to get down and fix them.” Steenhuisen adds.

VIDEO | DA Leader John Steenhuisen outlines his party’s objectives, review of GNU:

12 hours ago