GNU presents opportunity for collaboration: SAIPPA


Connect Radio News
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The South African Independent Power Producers Association (SAIPPA) believes the formation of a multi-party governance presents an opportunity for collaboration.

The body is also calling for policy certainty and stability, urging the president to speedily sign the electricity regulation Amendment Bill into law to accelerate energy security.

The bill will allow independent power producers to access the country’s electricity grid.

Brian Day is the chairperson of SAIPPA shared the following sentiments.

“The electricity regulation Amendment Bill has been passed by both houses of parliament, it’s been sitting on the president’s desk. There are certain things that must actually be implemented a little bit later but it’s about to be implemented and that provides the legislative framework for the unbundling of Eskom, the creation of the national transmission company of South Africa, the TSO – the Transmission System Operator,  that is the owner of the grid, the facilitator, the system operator and the market,” says Day.

2 hours ago