Good Party to discuss National Unity proposal with other parties


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Good Party says it will soon meet with other political parties to discuss the ANC-proposed government of national unity.

The ANC announced that it would seek to form a government of national unity with opposition parties to advance the interests of South Africans.

This after it failed to achieve a majority in the recent general elections.

The Good Party has lost one of its two seats in the National Assembly.

The party’s leader, Patricia de Lille, says this is due to a shift in the political landscape.

“Yes, we have lost one seat, but so did many other parties. The political landscape has just shifted. I think we were not prepared to deal with it. I think it’s anger that people have expressed, and frustration that the government can’t get simple things done. And you know, we also don’t have a homogenous voter base. People have different interests, and so what we thought as the Good Party,  our message was to be directed towards, first of all, dealing with poverty in our country, dealing with gender-based violence, and re-looking at the structure of government.”

GNU | De Lille speaks on the GNU:

Meanwhile, A group of six political parties has written to Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, requesting him to appoint a retired judge to facilitate discussions on forming a government of national unity (GNU).

This request comes as consultative talks to set up the seventh administration under the proposal continue this weekend.

The group believes that all 18 political parties that secured one or more seats in the National Assembly should participate in the discussions.

19 hours ago