Government to outline SA’s readiness for Census 2022


Connect Radio News

Deputy Minister in the Presidency, Thembi Siweya, and the Statistician-General, Risenga Maluleke, are on Tuesday expected to outline Stats SA’s state of readiness to conduct the nationwide population and housing census.

Census 2022 will be held from February 3 to 28.

This is South Africa’s fourth population count post-democracy and the country’s first digital census.

At least 165 000 field workers will be deployed across the country to count everyone within the borders of South Africa.

Statistics SA (Stats SA) says it will give respondents the option to complete the census questionnaire with or without the assistance of a fieldworker.

It will further allow respondents to access the census questionnaire remotely, enabling Stats SA to reach people in all areas.

Stats SA says the reason for a housing and population census is to assist government in planning better. In that way, it is better able to provide for its citizens’ needs.

Data collected during a census is used for planning, policy formulation and evidence-based decision-making, while the results are also the basis for budget allocations across local, provincial and national government.

In the report below, SA to conduct first digital census: 

-Additional reporting by Nothando Magudulela

25 days ago