Gwamanda denies lack of consultation on R200 prepaid surcharge


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Johannesburg mayor Kabelo Gwamanda has refuted claims that there was insufficient consultation regarding the R200 monthly prepaid electricity surcharge.

City Power customers will now pay this surcharge in addition to a 12.7% electricity tariff hike that also took effect on Monday.

According to the City, the fee is intended to generate revenue for investment in new electricity infrastructure and maintenance of the existing infrastructure.

Gwamanda says the surcharge benefits residents.

“We are in fact redressing the situation by implementing a long-standing council resolution. Of course, it is hard hitting for the consumer. But it is in their best interest that we are doing this. This goes back to 2018 when this report was approved by council for this fee to be introduced,” says Gwamanda.

Some Johannesburg residents insist they were not consulted about the surcharge. Many have taken to social media to voice their frustrations.

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2 days ago