Hammanskraal gastrointestinal infection death toll rises to seven


Connect Radio News

The Gauteng health department says one more person has died in the province due to gastrointestinal infection bringing the total to seven.

It says the number of people who received medical attention also as a result of the same infection has risen to 67.

The department on Saturday confirmed an outbreak of the diarrhoel disease, and urged people to avoid consuming contaminated water.

Gauteng MEC for Health and Wellness, Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko is currently visiting Jubilee District Hospital in Hammanskraal where the cases were recorded.

Gauteng Health spokesperson, Motalatale Modiba says, “The latest update in terms of the outcome of the tests that were conducted, because stools were taken, including water samples, that is what we’re waiting for, and then hopefully, when the MEC gives an update after they’re done with the oversight, they would’ve gotten those results, for us to be able to know this diarrhoel disease, what exactly is it; is it cholera? Is it typhoid? What exactly is it.”

City of Tshwane issues a warning

Meanwhile, The City of Tshwane has urged communities in Hammanskraal, north of Pretoria and surrounding areas to refrain from drinking tap water.

City of Tshwane Spokesperson Selby Bokaba says the City is providing drinkable water through water tankers at informal settlements three times a week.

Bokaba says water trucks are being sent to formal areas daily to ensure that communities’ drinking water that is safe for consumption.

“The city regularly conducts tests on the quality of water provided to our communities, and following this outbreak, comprehensive tests will be done on the entire water distribution network. Water samples have been collected in the affected areas and taken for tests and the results are expected on Wednesday to determine the cause of the outbreak. Some of the cases reported are from the Moretele area, which is not supplied by the City of Tshwane,” says Bokaba.

VIDEO | Health Department warns of Diarrhoeal disease outbreak:

2 months ago