Hlophe out of office


Connect Radio News
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President Cyril Ramaphosa has officially informed Judge John Hlophe of his removal from office.

He previously occupied the position of Western Cape Judge President.

This follows the National Assembly’s recent impeachment vote which saw 305 Members of Parliament (MPs) vote in favour of his removal and 27 voted against.

This makes Hlophe the first judge to be impeached since the dawn of democracy and he loses all his benefits and pension.

Presidency spokesperson Vincent Magwenya says, “President Ramaphosa has, in accordance with Section 177 (2) of the Constitution, removed Judge President Mandlakayise Hlophe of the Western Cape Division of the High Court from judicial office . The action follows the National Assembly resolution to remove Judge Hlophe as stipulated in section 177 (1) (b) of the Constitution.”

VIDEO: ANC accepts the impeachment of WC Judge President John Hlophe:

3 months ago