Holomisa slams ANC for ‘political interference and corruption at Eskom’


Connect Radio News
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United Democratic Movement (UDM) leader Bantu Holomisa has slammed the African National Congress (ANC) government, accusing it of political interference and involvement in corruption at Eskom.

The UDM and 18 others say they are approaching a court to request it to declare the ANC-led government’s response to rolling blackouts unconstitutional and a violation of fundamental human rights.

The power crisis has negatively impacted the lives of many South Africans with no solution in sight.

Holomisa says the ANC-led government has let South Africans down.

“Whether it’s Eskom or any department they [are] let down [by] this government. Because they have usurped the powers of the accounting officers. They have interfered. The billions which were given to Eskom to build the Medupi and Kusile plants, had that money been given to Eskom without involvement of the political party or the cabinet ministers, today we would be having electricity.”

“This corruption is embedded right through the government, the ANC government,” adds the UDM leader.

Below is the full interview with the UDM leader:

9 months ago