Housebreaking most prevalent crime experienced by residents: Report


Connect Radio News

The Victims of Crime 2023/2024 report, released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), has identified housebreaking as the most prevalent crime experienced by residents in South Africa.

The report, which was presented by Statistician-General Risenga Maluleke in Pretoria, is based on data from the Governance, Public Safety and Justice Survey.

The comprehensive survey, conducted by Stats SA, sheds light on the personal experiences of millions of individuals who have fallen victim to crime.

There were about 1.5 million incidents of housebreaking affecting 5.9 % of households in South Africa during the 2023/2024 period. Housebreaking peaked in June increasing by another five percent.

These findings are based on a comprehensive survey conducted across all nine provinces, where respondents shared their experiences and perceptions of crime.

Statistician-General Risenga Maluleke highlighted another concerning trend, revealing that women in particular, do not feel safe walking alone at night.

“So, we can see that the whole issue of gender-based violence and from people that the victims who are female tends to remain prevalent because things were okay, we would see similar levels for both males and females when it comes to a spouse or intimate partner.”

Community members expressed their thoughts.

“There is a lot if crime here, they shouldn’t say there is no crime, crime happens every day here especially from midnight until early morning happens and the police can’t get justice. They come and do nothing and the person who commits crime gets released the same day.”

“Yeah, I feel safe especially in the house I feel safe, outside is where I can’t feel safe like during the night when walking around the street.”

The report also highlighted the issue of under-reporting of crimes, suggesting that the actual incidence of crime may be higher than the estimated figures.

“Those who said they didn’t report the crime, what are the reasons. The highest one is that the police wouldn’t do anything they are sitting at 22% and others said there was lack of proof. These are some of the reasons we are asking why you are not reporting the crime,” says Stats SA’s Acting Deputy-Director General, Solly Molayi.

Other serious crimes affecting households and individuals are home robberies, murder, assault and theft of motor vehicles. Street robbery is also on the rise, with 58 percent of incidences in residential areas, shops and offices.

“1.1 million individuals experienced street robbery and compared to the past year we have gone up by 7% and of course here we are talking to individuals that are 16-years and older,” Maluleke added.

It is townships that are most affected by crime. Women, children and the vulnerable are targeted by criminals. Residents are not even safe in their own homes.

58 % of households have been targeted by criminals for housebreaking which paint a scary picture about the state of crime in the country.

Video: House breaking up by 6% from 2023

13 days ago