I have the right to charge whatever amount for my work: Mashele on Mashaba’s book


Connect Radio News

Political commentator and author Prince Mashele says he has a right to charge any amount of money for the work he does.

Mashele admitted to deliberately not disclosing that ActionSA leader Herman Mashaba financed the book, The Outsider: Unauthorised Biography of Herman Mashaba.

The book has caused a stir after it emerged that Mashaba paid for it to the tune of R12.5 million but it’s advertised as an unauthorised biography.

Speaking to the SABC earlier, Mashele says there was no corruption in the deal between him and Mashaba.

“With regards to the money by the way, I have a right to charge any amount of money for the work I do, just like you have the right to charge any amount of money for the work you do for the SABC. Because South Africans by the way are used to corruption in government and I don’t do work with the government precisely because of that, when you now say Mashaba and Prince, people think there’s a corrupt deal. This money belongs to Herman Mashaba, this is a transaction between private individuals, completely legal, so I sleep at night because I know I’ve committed no ethical crime or real crime.”

VIDEO | Prince Mashele responds to allegations about Mashaba’s book:

3 months ago