IEC to recount votes in specific areas provided there’s evidence


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The IEC says it will instruct a recount of votes in specific areas should there be evidence that this is required.

Speaking to the media at the ROC, IEC Chairperson Mosotho Moepya says the Commission will ensure it deals with every concern raised by contestants through its objections process, which has been extended to six pm this evening.

A number of parties have raised objections including the uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), Rise Mzansi, the African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) and the African Congress for Transformation (ACT).

Such an extension is permitted under the Electoral law, by applying for a condonation with respect to objections lodged after the prescribed deadline. In this case, contestants had until Friday at 9pm to lodge their complaints.

IEC Chair Mosotho Moepya says that the Commission is not overly technical in its approach.

“In this process the attitude of the Commission is not to put form over substance. We are not going to be technical. We are going to look at the issues brought before us and we are going to consider them in light of assuring the integrity of these elections. Where the Commission finds materiality through the results process it will order appropriate remedy which in some instances may include specific recounts.”

IEC Media Briefing | 1 June 2024:

12 days ago