JSC to conduct interviews Monday for three vacant posts at SCA


Connect Radio News
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Judiciary watchdog Judges Matter says the filling of three vacancies at the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) is urgent.

This comes as the Judicial Service Commission is expected to conduct interviews on Monday in search of the best candidates for three posts.

Research and Advocacy Officer at Judges Matter, Mbekezeli Benjamin elaborates, “On Monday the 20th, the Judicial Service Commission will interview ten candidates for three vacancies at the Supreme Court of Appeal. Now the Supreme Court of Appeal has had these vacancies for a while after the retirement of some of the senior judges.  And so the ten candidates –  it is essentially a re-run of the interviews that happened in October and the JSC was taken to court over those interviews. And so they are redoing them now to fill those vacancies which is actually quite urgent.”

16 days ago