Judge Makhubele’s tribunal resumes


Connect Radio News

The Judicial Conduct Tribunal is today expected to reconvene for hearings in a probe against suspended Judge of the Gauteng High Court, Tintswalo “Nana” Makhubele.

The probe follows allegations of gross misconduct on the part of the Judge by civic organisation #UniteBehind.

It alleges that she violated the separation of powers principle by being both a judge and Chairperson of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa).

It followed her appointment as Prasa Chairperson in 2017, a position she would allegedly continue occupying despite her appointment to the Gauteng bench by former President Jacob Zuma in November of the same year.

Makhubele allegedly intended to begin her judicial duties in January of the following year.

During the previous sittings, it was also heard how Makhubele had vested interests in the alleged corruption accused company, Siyaya, and that she took several steps to advance its interests which was allegedly involved in “state capture” and received contracts from Prasa through corrupt and fraudulent means.

If the Tribunal makes adverse findings against Makhubele, it could potentially lead to her impeachment.

4 hours ago