Kimberley comedian wins outstanding perfomance award


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

A 40-year old Kimberley-based comedian says being recognised with the Outstanding Performance Award has motivated him to continue making people laugh out loud. Thekiso Maarman, who lives with a disability, was competing for the award with two other nominees at the inaugural Cultural and Creative Industry Awards in Sandton last month.

He says his determination is finally paying off.

Maarman believes he was born to make people convulse with laughter. He says receiving the Outstanding Performance Award is confirmation that he is actually good at cracking a joke or two.

“I am very emotional because this is my first ever award and I’ve been doing this comedy thing a long time and getting an award at this age, it shows that whatever you’re doing, take it seriously, because you don’t know who’s watching.”

Otherwise known as Quarter Leg, the single leg amputee comedian uses his reality to make others laugh to tears.

“I lost my left leg and I was amputated. The first thing that came into my mind is let me go back to the thing that I love. And comedy was my first love and I can say comedy saved me from depression and so many things.”

Those, who know the comedian, say they are always rolling on the floor with laughter when he is around.

“He has been working, doing everything from his pocket, from charity work, to doing these gigs for free just for recognition and finally got the recognition on a national level. So it deserved.”

“I have been attending his shows. I’ve worked with him before a lot of times, and I could see the charisma that he has, the stage command he has, he literally makes people laugh this guy.”

Maarman says he is not only a funny man — but he also gives back to his community by feeding the hungry. The comedian urges up and coming comedians to trust the process and keep the humour coming.

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9 days ago