Kodwa’s bribery case postponed to October 3


Connect Radio News

The case against former Sports, Arts and Culture Minister Zizi Kodwa, and his co-accused former Enterprise Outsourcing Holdings (EOH) Executive, Jehan Mackay, in the Palm Ridge Magistrate’s Court east of Johannesburg, has been postponed to October 3.

The case was previously postponed to today for a decision by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) in relation to Mackay’s representations.

The counsel for the second accused, Kodwa, however, decried the delays in the matter, submitting that they are ready for trial and that he is suffering irreparable harm with the delays.

They are charged with violating the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities as well as the Prevention of Organised Crimes Acts.

The charges relate to Kodwa allegedly receiving more than R1.7 million kickbacks in exchange for government tenders.

Kodwa’s legal counsel, Zola Majavu says, “We placed on record that, on behalf of accused number two, Mr. Kodwa, we are trial ready. My client is an office-bearer who, as a result of this spurious case, has had to resign which he respects.”

“Now we are in a situation where he is co-charged and the net impact of all of this ping pong, it has a direct impact on him. I did give an advance warning that if come today (Tuesday) there are delays that have absolutely nothing to do with my client, we may wish to reconsider our position. In the (fullness) of time, we might consider bringing an application for a separation of trial.”

4 hours ago