KwaThema residents voice frustration over perceived government neglect


Connect Radio News
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Local government officials in Kwa-Thema, Ekurhuleni, have been accused of neglecting their responsibilities and failing to prioritise the delivery of essential services in the community.

The community has been protesting since the weekend, demanding access to water and electricity.

Hundreds of residents have taken to the streets to express their dissatisfaction at local government.

Earlier, rubber bullets were fired at protesting residents in an effort to disperse them. These residents say, government officials are only present during elections.

“Poor service delivery. They lack water, they lack electricity, If you have extra money, you can buy candles or paraffin. If you don’t have that, hen you going to be staying in the dark. They emotions are all driven towards a government that is failing.”

“In my community, we have a shortage of water, they are opening and closing when they like it, same applies to electricity.”

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