KZN Health MEC’s salary to be docked by 50% for a month for breaking COVID-19 regulations


Connect Radio News

Kwazulu-Natal(KZN) Premier Sihle Zikalala has announced a number of punitive measures for Health MEC Nomagugu Simelane after she flouted COVID-19 regulations at a recent birthday party. She has been requested to issue a public apology within seven days and her salary will be docked in the next payment cycle.

Zikalala says Simelane has already received a warning from him. Half her salary will be docked in the next salary cycle and paid to a non-governmental organization that is fighting COVID-19 in the Amajuba municipality where the MEC resides.

A video of the incident has been circulating on social media.

Video: KZN Premier Sihle Zikalala briefs the media on reports that Health MEC broke COVID-19 rules

Zikalala was giving a virtual briefing on the matter. The Premier says the MEC should have acted differently.

“It is my considered view as the Premier of the province that as the leaders, we have a bargain of providing ethical leadership. Even though the circumstances that may have landed the MEC in this situation may have been beyond her control. However, the public has an expectation that we should lead them ethically. The is the bearing we carrying as public office bearers,” says Zikalala.


President Cyril Ramaphosa’s address to the nation on South Africa’s COVID-19 response: July 2021 

South Africa is under adjusted COVID-19 level 3 lockdown.



6 days ago