KZN matriculants grateful to educators ahead of exams


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Matric learners at the Siyamukela High School in Newcastle, northern KwaZulu-Natal say they appreciate what their educators have done to prepare them for their final exams.

The learners are among over 193  000 candidates that will write their matric examinations in the province this year.

In 2022, KwaZulu-Natal achieved an 83% matric pass rate.

Some schools in the province have not received a full government budget, have vacant teaching posts and educators have not received salary increases.

Despite the challenges that some schools are facing, these learners say they appreciate the support from their educators.

“Being far from my parents is a bit frightening, I’m back here in Newcastle, trying to get a better me, and I see many people, they are assisting in many ways and I love that about them. I get the support from my teachers. I feel we are ready because we have prepared ourselves enough, the whole year we were preparing for this time to come. so I feel we are ready, even though we are nervous for the exams because there will be no time to be rectifying our mistakes after these exams. So, I feel we are not ready, we are going to be ready when the time comes.”

“For the matrics [matriculants], we are ready because our teachers were there for us, afternoon classes, morning classes, Saturday classes, Sunday classes they were there to assist us. So as matric [matriculants] of Siyamukela High School we are ready.”

The video below is reporting more on the story

6 months ago