Latest Liberty statistics reveal increase in cancer, cardio diseases


Connect Radio News
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The Liberty 2023 Claims Statistics have revealed an upward trend in cancer and cardiovascular diseases as the leading cause of claims. Liberty further indicates that R6,2 billion in claims were paid to over 29 000 individuals and beneficiaries last year.

The insurer says total insurance claims paid out last year, including corporates, amounted to just over R9 billion.

Liberty Insurance notes that the top five causes of claims in 2023 were cancer, cardiac and cardiovascular diseases and disorders, respiratory disorders, strokes, and traumatic injuries.

The insurer notes that cancer remains the leading cause of claims, accounting for approximately 32% of all claims.

Liberty says retrenchment claims made up 52% of its policy protection claims while also featuring in its income protection claims category.

Head of Risk and Technical Marketing at Liberty, Tom Crotty, says the biggest proportion of the retrenchment claims came from Gauteng.

“If you look at the breakdown according to age, the biggest proportion of our claims coming in between 35 and 44 years old, slightly higher, or another significant proportion between 45 and 54. So, if you are in that prime of your career between 35 and 54, you could potentially be between 81% of all our claims. So, the importance of retrenchment, no matter where in your career, is highlighted by that. If we look at across geographies, almost 50% of our claims coming through the Gauteng region,” says Crotty.

Chief Medical Officer at Liberty, Dr Reinhardt Erasmus, says the trends in mental disorder in South Africa are concerning.

“The stand out statistic that came across for me was that in South Africa, the current lifetime prevalence of having a metal disorder or having been diagnosed with a mental disorder is 30%. So, one in almost three people will develop a diagnosis somewhere in their lifetime in South Africa,” explains Erasmus.

Liberty’s claim statistics show a growing trend in mental disorder claims across the country. It notes that 58% of the claims were for suicide, 17% were for depression and anxiety, while 12% were for dementia.

19 hours ago