Learner claims school forced her out after sexual harassment claims


Connect Radio News

A 17-year-old learner in the North West says she was forced to drop out of school after the principal failed to take action against a teacher who allegedly sexually harassed her.

The grade 11 pupil at a local school in Lichtenburg says while she was dealing with the ordeal of being disowned by her family for reporting her brother in-law, who allegedly attempted to rape her, attempts to find support from her teacher by confiding in him, were met with sexual harassment.

She reported this to the principal, who allegedly intimidated her, accusing her of intending to get the alleged perpetrator fired.

The learner says she was then put under pressure to stay home and drop out of school.

“He would give lessons in class and give lessons and give us class work to do. He would then proceed to come to the back where I was sitting. And he would touch me inappropriately. So, I would keep quit because I was afraid other learners would say I was dating the teacher. Then I went to see him during break time to confront him about what he was doing. I told him I didn’t like his conduct and I wanted him to stop. But then he told me that I am tempting him and he can’t help himself.”

She says she was disappointed by how the school sided with the perpetrator and intimidated her.

“I told the principal who then begged me to keep it between us, and not tell my parents. I was not coping at school. The teachers were accusing me of getting the other teacher fired. They all stopped communicating with me.”

North West Department of Education spokesperson, Mphata Molokwane,“We did put the teacher on a precautionary suspension for three months, but along the investigations, the teacher did resign. So, in that fact, we also made sure that we give a necessary support to the learner by providing psychological assistance so that the learner can also feel safe when she’s around the school premises.”

5 hours ago