Lesufi responds to opposition criticism saying ‘Talk is cheap’


Connect Radio News

Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi has blasted the opposition parties in the Gauteng Legislature, saying that they talk too much without offering solid alternatives to the plans he presented during his State of the Province Address (SOPA).

Lesufi was replying to the debate on the address he presented on Monday. During the SOPA debate on Thursday, opposition parties criticised Lesufi’s speech for lacking details and being filled with unrealistic promises, especially relating to the fight against crime.

Lesufi says the opposition has nothing better to offer and is only preoccupied with the upcoming 2024 general elections.

“Opposition parties are obsessed with 2024. They are now using it as ‘Gogo’ to scare us. We will not surrender this hard-fought liberty to formations that are directionless and aimless and only rely on the perceived view that they will win in 2024. It will not be easy to take this thing if you don’t pull up your socks opposition parties. It will not be easy to take this thing if you don’t provide real, tangible, alternative solutions to South Africa’s problems. Cheap talk is cheap, rhetoric is cheap. The talk of corruption and Western Cape will no longer buy you votes.”

Lesufi says metros in the province were destroyed were opposition parties took over: 

Crime and lawlessness

He says the ANC-led provincial government presented to the people of Gauteng, plans on where they want to take Gauteng in the next 12-months. These include plans on how to take Gauteng out of loadshedding, of changing the living conditions of people especially those living in townships, informal settlements, and hostels.

And most of all to fight crime and lawlessness through the use of technology including panic buttons, CCTVs, drones and procurement of helicopters and police vehicles.

“We want to re-iterate that we will fight crime and do so mercilessly. We will use technology and resource our police and ensure that criminals don’t take us for a ride. This time we are determined to fight crime. This time we are committed to confront criminals.”

Energy crisis

On Monday, Lesufi announced that the provincial government will be releasing about R1.2 billion towards dealing with the energy crisis in Gauteng. And that soon they’ll be appointing six developers to start with the construction of a 800 megawatts solar farm in Merafong near Carletonville.

“We welcome the new appointment of the new CEO of Eskom. We urge the new CEO to move with speed to end loadshedding. We are ready as a province to release 800 megawatts to our energy grid so as to tackle loadshedding. Tomorrow we are making a call for proposals from the energy sector so that we can fund their solutions with out allocated 1.2 billion rand that we have made available for this.”


6 months ago