Mafe admits to burning down Parliament


Connect Radio News

The alleged arsonist Zandile Mafe has admitted in the Western Cape High Court that he burned down Parliament.

Judge Nathan Erasmus had to temporarily adjourn court proceedings on Thursday morning when Mafe went on a tangent, shouting profanities against White people and Jews.

The court is set to hear Mafe’s psychiatric evaluation report from the Makhanda-based Fort England Psychiatric hospital where he spent two months.

The court wants to establish if Mafe can understand the proceedings and the severity of the charges he’s facing.

Mafe says he must be punished.

“I want a life sentence of 25 years from now, 2023, until after 2043. I’m not afraid of a life sentence. The service delivery protests which occurred outside is about my release. Last year service delivery protests occurred 5000 times and most of it was violent service delivery,” he adds.

Reporting by Thandiwe Mawu and Lynne Arendse.

18 days ago