Majodina launches Kleynhans project to address Makhanda water crisis


Connect Radio News

Minister of Water and Sanitation Pemmy Majodina has launched the multi-million rand James Kleynhans Water Treatment Project which seeks to address the persistent water crisis in Makhanda and surrounding areas in the Eastern Cape.

Over the years, Makhanda had two water plants that did not have enough capacity to provide water to the growing population of the City, affecting not only communities but businesses as well.

Majodina says such projects are vital for the development of businesses and local farmers in the area.

The national government has budgeted R393 million for three phases of the water project, and R235 million has been utilised.

This project aims to ensure all citizens of Makhanda have access to clean water, as per section 27 of the Constitution.

This city has been battling with water demands exceeding supply for several years. This is a result of aging infrastructure, leaks, and pipe bursts.

Majodina says with the Kleynhans Water Treatment project, Makhanda now has access to 28 megalitres per day, which is more than enough to sustain the city’s water needs indefinitely.

The incapacity of service providers and bad financial management are some of the challenges attributed to the delay of this project.

Amatola Water Works Board member, Ayanda Mjekula says, “We have been led down [by] so many service providers in terms of checking whether appointed companies have cash flow and enough experience. But we have learned … from phase two, we can never fail South Africans.”

Phase one of this project has been completed, while phase two is at an advanced stage.

Makana Mayor Yandisa Vara has welcomed this development.

“No we have not failed the people of Makhanda, we were abused by our workers’ demands over time and some would burst pipes intentionally to get paid twice. But we want to focus more on Kleynhans Water now and provide better services,” explains Vara.

Plans to implement phase three of this project are afoot.

Minister Majodina will also visit other municipalities that are faced with water challenges across the country.

2 hours ago