Malema says 2024 elections were their low point as a party


Connect Radio News

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema says the results of the 29th of May elections were their lowest point as a party.

The Red Berets were overtaken by the uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party as the third biggest political party and now the official opposition. Malema will address the party’s 11th anniversary in Kimberly this weekend to take stock of the party’s electoral decline.

The EFF celebrated its 10th anniversary at the iconic 90 000 capacity FNB Stadium in 2023, marking the first decade of the economic emancipation movement in style.

However, a year later on the 29th of May 2024 elections, the party would drop electorally after the formation of the MK Party.

Malema says this election was their lowest point as a party. “The low is the May elections, that was our lowest point.”

On governance matters, the EFF leader says they will not accept their members in the mayoral committees in Ekurhuleni and Johannesburg being reduced.

The African National Congress (ANC) is rearranging its working relationship with the EFF in the metros, but the province is seemingly not willing to ditch the red berets.

“We’ve not done anything wrong. And then you just come even unprovoked, you just go and say, no, we’re reducing you. If we do that, it means we’re desperate for positions. There is no longer a principle in that,”

In KwaZulu-Natal, the EFF received a political hammering at the hands of the MK Party. Malema says the party will make interventions in the province which will result in the dissolution of the Provincial Command Team.

“We are looking at all possibilities which I don’t want to pre-empt, but I know you are asking if we are going to dissolve them but it’s one of the options we have and dissolve them to replace them with who, but we were unable to read the prevailing material conditions on the ground,” says Malema.

With a view to the National People’s Assembly in December, the EFF leader said he is available for re-election for a third term. “Yes, I am available, absolutely available so all those coming to ask me that question must know I am available.”

Some within the party have proposed former Spokesperson Mbuyiseni Ndlozi as a candidate for Secretary-General against the incumbent Marshall Dlamini.

The EFF leader says he doesn’t see any contest happening between the two, in what may seem like a vote of confidence in Dlamini.

“I don’t see why Mbuyiseni and SG contest each other, if people have a problem with the SG, you don’t character assassinate him, you disrespect him and tell us what problems you have with the SG. Whether you have Mbuyiseni or Marshall you have the best but I don’t see any kind of contest happening.”

The EFF will celebrate its 11th anniversary this weekend, where its firebrand leader will push a message that the party is not defeated after the May elections.

EXCLUSIVE – EFF leader Julius Malema on GNU and Progressive Caucus, allegations of looting VBS

19 days ago