Many people experience stress and anxiety during holiday season: SADAG


Connect Radio News

Sadness is a common emotion during the holiday season. Casey Chambers, operations director at the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG), claims that many people may still be struggling with grief or a change in their financial situation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This may cause additional stress and anxiety during the holiday season.


While Christmas cannot be canceled, Chambers believes that having a good plan in place prior to the holiday season can help.

“So simple things that you can do to start off the festive season is putting together a budget – making sure, you know, writing down a list. What you have to buy, who you have to buy for, how much money you have, how much you are going to spend. It just goes into having this list, this idea, and having this plan. So that you don’t find yourself overspending or not having a clear idea. And maybe you’re standing in the middle of a shop feeling overwhelmed: who else do I have to buy for, what else do I have to do, you know, what have I forgotten?”

2 months ago