Mbalula reflects on Solly Mapaila remarks and tripartite differences


Connect Radio News

African National Congress (ANC) Secretary General Fikile Mbalula says while the party can differ with its alliance partners, they can’t do as though they are enemies or in opposition.

Mbalula was addressing remarks made by the South African Communist Party (SACP) General Secretary while he was on a podcast.

Mapaila accused party President Cyril Ramaphosa, of leading a neoliberalist faction within the ANC.

Mapaila, who has been highly critical of the government of national unity, did not mince his words while on a popular podcast.

The SACP general-secretary described the GNU as a “betrayal of the people.”

He further accused party President Cyril Ramaphosa of leading a neoliberalist faction within the ANC.

But Mbalula who briefed the media at Luthuli House on Monday says the party and its alliance partners should learn to criticise each other in an appropriate manner.

“To characterize each other in terms of labels, we believe it doesn’t help because labels end up being labels because we can come back and say you are this and that you are ultra-left, you are this and that. It does not help, right? The insurrectionary phrase does not help the cause of revolution.”

Mbalula adds that the ANC will engage Mapaila on his comments.

“So we will debate neoliberalism with comrade Solly and there is nothing wrong with that. But then if comrade Solly goes and labels us and says we are neoliberals and our President is leading a big faction we will resist that. There is no faction in the ANC. The dominant idea that wins the day is out of a vigorous process of engagement. GNU was not imposed it was debated.”

The ANC was faced with yet another difficult task of quelling tensions between the ANC in KwaZulu-Natal and Cosatu affiliated Union Nehawu. This is after KZN Provincial Secretary Bheki Mtolo accused Nehawu of poor service delivery not only in government departments but Home Affairs and SASSA.

Mbalula has ordered Mtolo to apologise to Nehawu for his comments.

VIDEO | ANC Media Briefing: KZN secretary Bheki Mtolo to issue apology to Nehawu over scathing remarks:

7 days ago