Min. Parks Tau hails business-government partnership as successful


Connect Radio News

Trade, Industry and Competition Minister Parks Tau says the partnership between business and government has broadly been recognised as successful.

President Cyril Ramaphosa met with members of the Cabinet, senior business leaders, and technical experts from government and business at the Union Buildings in Pretoria.

The aim of the collaboration was to address the country’s energy, transport and logistics crises as well as crime and corruption. It was launched over a year ago to address barriers to growth in South Africa.

Giving an online update from a meeting convened by the President with members of the Cabinet and business leaders, Tau says there has been progress under the various work streams.

He says they discussed a new era of collaboration under the 7th democratic administration.

“Yesterday (Tuesday) was really the first meeting since the elections and the establishment of the government of national unity. It enabled us to reflect on where we come from but also what the way forward will be between the government and the private sector.  And a collective expression of confidence on the work that been done was expressed yesterday but also a commitment to working together going forward and identifying further areas of collaboration.”

a month ago