Minister Steenhuisen outlines challenges facing SA agriculture


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Minister of Agriculture John Steenhuisen says the agriculture sector is currently facing challenges including the foot and mouth outbreak in the Eastern Cape, wildfires in parts of the country, and losses incurred by farmers from the black frost in Limpopo.

Steenhuisen takes the parliament’s portfolio committee on agriculture through the annual performance plan of the department.

He says supporting both small-scale and commercial farmers to navigate challenges is among his top priorities.

“I had a meeting this morning with departmental officials trying to get on top of some of the big issues facing the agricultural sector, the foot and mouth outbreak in the Eastern Cape, the fires in the Free State, and of course, the black frost in Limpopo, these are just some of the issues facing the sector and I set out very clearly where my priorities are going to lie we have got to focus on biosecurity to increase production, we have got to find new markets for South Africa’s products, we have to support our farmers, whether you are a small farmer, whether you are a large commercial operation.”

3 days ago