Mokgoro lauded for advancement of women in legal profession


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The son of the late retired Constitutional Court Justice, Yvonne Mokgoro has lauded his mother for the role she played in the advancement of women in the legal profession.

Ithateng Mokgoro says Justice Mokgoro paved the way for other women on the Constitutional Court bench such as Deputy Chief Justice, Mandisa Maya.

Mokgoro was the first woman Constitutional Court Justice in Democratic South Africa and served a full 15-year term.

On Tuesday, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) agreed that it would advise President Cyril Ramaphosa that Maya is suitable for appointment to the position of Chief Justice.

If President Cyril Ramaphosa appoints Maya, she will become the first woman Chief Justice.

Justice Mokgoro will be laid to rest today in a Special Official Funeral Category 1.  Ithateng says his mother would be proud of the legacy she started.

“Myself and my siblings are in the fortunate position to call her Aunty Mandisa because we have known her so long. She and my mother go back a long way, they were in the US in the early 90s, studying together and at the time they didn’t know that their paths would land them in the same place, in the same bench actually. As it turns out, my mother opened the path for other women and Aunty Mandisa –  president permitting will take up the mantle on behalf of other women which is really a great story in my view.

Funeral Service of Justice Yvonne Mokgoro

3 days ago