Mpumalanga private security workers to march Labour Department


Connect Radio News

Mpumalanga private security workers affiliated to the South African Transport and Allied Workers’ Union (Satawu), along with other unions in the industry will on Thursday march to the Provincial Department of Employment and Labour, in protest of employers who flout labour regulations.

The unions have accused employers in the sector of failing to implement settlements made as part of the National bargaining Council for Private Security Main Collective Agreement.

Satawu’s Deputy General Secretary, Anele Kiet says, “Satawu and all other unions in the security industry are marching on behalf of all security officers that are being exploited in the province, who are working tirelessly to protect all government offices, but their employers are not complying with the provident fund, and all other benefits that these employees are supposed to be benefiting, your medical scheme, your UIF.”

“Employers are deducting all these monies from the employees, but they’re not paying off to the bodies that they’re supposed to be paying those monnies to,” Kiet adds.


2 months ago