Mpumalanga Tourism marks World Ranger Day


Connect Radio News

The Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency has called on communities to play their part in ensuring that the men and women who devoted their lives to safeguarding and preserving wildlife are acknowledged for their contribution to society.

Today marks World Ranger Day, which aims to celebrate these men and women who risk their lives to protect the parks and nature reserves.

MTPA CEO Mduduzi Vilakazi says extra support is needed to ensure that rangers are protected in the line of duty.

“The field rangers are an elementary part of conservation because without them, we will not be able to protect the animals from poachers but also we will not be able to guard the animals inside the nature reserves so that they do not go outside to interact with the human beings. Although the working conditions may not change because we cannot remove them from the game, from the nature and from the wildlife generally, but we should ensure that they have necessities to carry out their work.”

World Ranger Day

a month ago