Msimang’s resignation from ANC not surprising: Analyst


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Political commentator Dr Ebrahim Harvey says Mavuso Msimang’s resignation from the African National Congress (ANC) comes as no surprise.

Msimang was serving as the ANC Veterans League African deputy president,

Msimang submitted his resignation from the party earlier this week, citing the party’s endemic corruption as the reason.

Harvey says this is a very significant move.

“I think that analysts who play it down and say he’s 82-years-old, etc…they are misunderstanding this very serious context within which this resignation has occurred – seven month before the elections and I’m almost certain that it’s bound to have a negative impact on the ANC. But I’m not surprised, he’s been calling these shots bravely for over a decade now.”

In an interview with SABC News, Msimang said the ANC leadership has shown no urgency in arresting corruption in the party.

VIDEO | Msimang speaks after quitting the ANC: 

South African Communist Party (SACP) General-Secretary, Solly Mapaila, says it’s painful to see someone who has given his all for the liberation of South Africa leave the ANC.

Mapaila says he suspects that Msimang, like other members of the organisation, has been feeling despondent for a long time. 

“What we are not happy about beyond just internal problems, is the state of South African state and the state of South African economy. If you go deeper into it, you’ll find the real cause of the many things that he’s lamenting about. Put corruption on the side apart from the issues he’s raising; fundamentally all the other issues are issues of the crisis of social reproduction of the capitalist system that has intensified, increased and consolidated under a democratic dispensation. And remember that capitalism doesn’t serve the people, it serves the interest of business.” 

ANC regrets departure 

Meanwhile, ANC President Cyril Ramphosa says the party regrets Msimang’s departure after having served for more than 60 years.

Ramaphosa says although he is sorry about Msimang quitting the party, the ANC continues to grow.

Ramaphosa elaborates in the Twitter video below:

2 months ago