MTN bribery matter will fade away if SA courts don’t hear it: EAC


Connect Radio News

The lawyers for Turkish-based East Asian Consortium (EAC), which contested for a public tender with network operator MTN, have told the Supreme Court of Appeal in Bloemfontein that if South African courts do not hear the matter it will fade away.

They say the appellant will have no recourse despite the grave allegations of foreign bribery of officials.

EAC is suing MTN for R74 billion for allegedly bribing Iranian officials to get a tender to run a mobile operator licence in that country.

The court is expected to make a decision on whether South Africa has jurisdiction on the matter or not.

The consortium brought the lawsuit to South African courts in 2013 after its bid in the US failed on jurisdiction.

MTN contends that all disputes and claims related to this matter should be heard and resolved in Iranian courts.

In 2022, the matter was heard in the South Gauteng High Court where the application was dismissed with costs.

The court found that Iranian law would be more applicable and that South African courts lack jurisdiction to hear the matter.

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14 hours ago