Namibian President reflects on trials facing Africa at SADC Summit


Connect Radio News

Namibian President Nangolo Mbumba says the continent currently faces a myriad of challenges with some countries experiencing protracted conflicts.

Addressing the SADC Summit in Zimbabwe, Mbumba says the objectives of the regional development will never be achieved, if the fundamental pillars of peace and security and good governance are compromised.

According to Mbumba, Namibia remains committed to ensuring the integration of the region.

Mbumba has also told the Summit that his country is heading to polls later this year and will respect SADC’s rules and principles.

“I am pleased to inform the summit that the SADC Electoral Advisory Council has just concluded its goodwill mission to the Republic of Namibia. We remain committed to the SADC principles for democratic elections and we respect their findings and pay attention to their advice and their recommendations,” he says.

3 hours ago