Newly renovated N West school stands empty due to community dispute


Connect Radio News

A newly renovated school, the Mothusi Marumola Secondary School in Matloding village, stands empty, allegedly because of a community dispute.

Previously, there was no secondary school in the area and learners from the community attended schools in neighbouring villages. It was then resolved that the Mothusi Marumola Secondary School learners will go to Matloding Primary School while the old school infrastructure is renovated and turned into a secondary school.

The renovations are now complete and the school was handed over to the community but learners have still not started lessons at the school.

The School Governing Body chairperson at the Mothusi Marumola Secondary, Lerato Matola has accused the provincial Education Department of dragging its feet while the learners are suffering.

Parents demand to know why the department is not attending to the collapsing infrastructure of the primary school and why it has not moved secondary school learners back to the renovated school.

“The school’s first brick building will give you the impression that it’s a good school. but once you enter the classrooms you will see the damage caused by the anthill on the roof. We are troubled when it rains. if strong winds come the roof might blow off and that poses a danger to our children’s lives.” says one parent.

Another one adds, “The renovated school is in good condition, it’s beautiful. The school has toilets and water, but the current school doesn’t have water and sanitation. Teachers have to carry water in buckets every time they go to the toilets. The situation is disturbing because every time learners see a teacher carrying water in a bucket they know that a teacher is going to the toilet.”

Meanwhile, the North West Department of Education spokesperson Mphata Molokwane says it’s attending to these matters and has pleaded for patience.

2 hours ago