Non-payment could disrupt food deliveries to thousands of KZN schools


Connect Radio News

The National School Nutrition Programme Service Providers Association (NSNP) has warned that the ongoing non-payment issues could disrupt food deliveries to almost 6 000 schools in KwaZulu-Natal starting on Monday this coming week.

NSNP KZN Chairperson Lindani Matiwane says the issue started from last year and they have raised it with the provincial education department.

Matiwane says their grievances seem to fall on deaf ears as they haven’t received any assistance.

“The situation seems to be intentionally and deliberately made because we shouldn’t be talking about the issue of lack of payments because the national government pays a three-months in advance payment to our provincial treasury. So there shouldn’t be issues of monies. But I’m not sure whether do we need someone from above to come in our province and investigate about the lack of payments.”

Nutrition Programme | Non-payment could disrupt school food deliveries


3 days ago