North West Health buries several unclaimed bodies


Connect Radio News

The North West Department of Health says it has buried most of the 88 unclaimed bodies at the Brits Forensic Pathology mortuary.

The Department of Labour and Employment moved to take legal action against the Provincial Health Department for the violation of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHS) at the mortuary, after inspectors found that fridges were being used, even though they were not working.

The morgue also did not have water and working ventilation.

Although the department says it has fixed the fridges and conducted deep cleaning at the morgue, it has now been accused of keeping bodies for months.

The Department’s spokesperson, Tshegofatso Mothibedi, has pinned the blame on the police.

“Important to note, not all but a few bodies have been in our facility over a year. This is mainly due to police investigations on circumstances around the death regarding the bodies. Unless police investigations are completed, we are unable to carry mass funerals, pending burial certificates from the SAPS. So, the law permits that the bodies that are under investigation be stored for however long until investigations are completed,” he says..

However, North West police spokesperson, Sabata Mokgwabone refutes claims that the delay is entirely due to the police.

“Indeed, it has taken long for the said bodies to be identified. It is common knowledge that each case is treated according to its merits. It is also apparent that there was miss communication among investigating officers and government mortuary management and that contributed to this situation,” he says.

3 days ago