NSRI issues safety alert for water users in Western Cape due to cold front


Connect Radio News

The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) has issued a safety alert for all water users along the coast in the Western Cape, as an intense cold front has made landfall, which will impact the coastline.

Rough seas and extremely cold weather has been forecast.

NSRI spokesperson, Craig Lambinon, says they are appealing for public caution this weekend.

“We are appealing to shoreline anglers, boaters, commercial seafarers and coastal hikers to be aware of rough sea conditions and the impact of forecast weather affecting the coastline and inland. Boaters and commercial seafarers should not launch in adverse weather conditions, unless absolutely necessary and where life jackets when your vessel is underway or during commercial operations at sea. Shorleine anglers and coastal hikers should be aware of the daily two high tides and two low tides and be cautious along the shoreline.”

Head of the Western Cape’s disaster management service, Colin Denier, said earlier that teams were preparing for heavy rains, strong coastal winds, low temperatures and snowfall.

The NSRI says it is on alert to respond to incidents of coastline flooding.

Lambinon warns extreme sport enthusiasts against engaging in dangerous sports during the weekend.

a month ago