NUM set to outline its policy framework to Tripartite Alliance


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The National Union of Mineworkers is set to outline its policy framework to the Tripartite Alliance. The union is holding a 3-day policy conference in Boksburg.

The African National Congress (ANC), South African Communist Party (SACP) and Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), will reflect on the recent general elections. They are expected to discuss issues around transformation in the labour sector, among others.

NUM Deputy General Secretary Mpho Phakedi says there were instances recently, where the union did not see eye to eye with government on transformation. Phakedi says they will be engaging the Tripartite Alliance on issues in the mining, metal, construction and energy sectors.

“We always characterize ourselves as a revolutionary union. We therefore expect that in this policy conference. We must engage on issues that are affecting workers and the society in general. Of course we will have an opportunity to reflect on the previous election equally, we’ll be taking stock on the past five years what are the benefits for our workers what were the benefits for the society in general and what are the things that the new administration, the 7th administration must look at in terms of improving workers conditions in terms of also improving the conditions of the society in general. Of course, the Tripartite Alliance is here led by our federation COSATU, the ANC, the Communist Party. The Communist Party will address us,” says Mpho Phakedi, NUM Deputy General Secretary.

Video: NUM Policy Conference taking place at Ekurhuleni: Update from Katlego Legodi

7 days ago