NUMSA condemns Gordhan over SAA-Takatso documents


Connect Radio News
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The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) has condemned Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan for refusing to hand over documents relating to the sale of South African Airways to Parliament.

NUMSA notes that the Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises has unanimously agreed that it cannot provide unqualified support for the transaction for SAA to be sold to the Takatso Consortium.

In a statement, the Department of Public Enterprises refuted claims of non-cooperation emphasising that there is no information within its legal remit that it has withheld from Parliament.

NUMSA’s spokesperson Phakamile Hlubi-Majola says, “NUMSA is vindicated because Gordhan has proven that we were right about him all along. Gordhan is presiding over State Capture 2.0 through the sale of SAA. The airline was sold for R51 in a process that remains shrouded in secrecy, even though, this is a state-owned entity, which means that as the public we have every right to demand and receive detailed information on this deal. NUMSA wishes to remind the public that we are on record saying that the SAA deal is dodgy and that the level of secrecy surrounding the transaction means that it, stinks of corruption.”

a month ago