One South African national remains in Afghanistan: DIRCO


Connect Radio News
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The Department of International Relations (DIRCO) says it can confirm that one South African national remains in Kabul, Afghanistan.

It says the person is working in the central Asian country and will remain there.

This as 35 other South Africans have been evacuated after the Taliban gained full control of the country last month.

On Wednesday, DIRCO announced that South Africa would not honour the request to temporarily accommodate 126 Afghan refugees, saying the country is already home to a substantial number of refugees.

Spokesperson, Clayson Monyela says it’s important to note there might be other SA citizens in Afghanistan who’ve failed to notify authorities of their presence.

“The one remaining South African is working in Kabul and will remain there for the foreseeable future. It should be noted that there could be other South Africans remaining in Afghanistan, but these would be individuals who have not registered their presence with the South  African High  Commission in  Islamabad (Pakistan) or with DIRCO Head Quarters in Pretoria.”

Russia to evacuate citizens

Last week, Russia announced that it will  be evacuating more people from Afghanistan and the process has already started.

The country sent four military planes to evacuate 500 of its citizens and those of its regional allies in Afghanistan.

SABC International News editor Sophie Mokoena has more details on the story:

On Tuesday, the US withdrew troops from Afghanistan:

2 years ago