Operation Dudula calls for government to declare state of emergency on illegal citizens


Connect Radio News
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Operation Dudula is calling on the South African government to declare a state of emergency on illegal immigrants working and living in the country.

The group held a media briefing in Johannesburg on Thursday, where they outlined plans to intensify their campaigns against foreign nationals in the country.

Last Friday, Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi announced a permit extension for Zimbabwean nationals living and working in South Africa by a further six months, which the group is against.

Operation Dudula spokesperson Zandile Dabula says, “We have instructed legal practitioners led by a senior council to compel President Cyril Ramaphosa to declare a state of emergency on illegal immigration, in terms of Section 37 of the constitution. Legal practitioners are applying directly to the Constitutional Court to sit as a court of first and last on the term of rule and oppose the extension of the ZEP for an additional 6 months.”

Video: Operation Dudula and EFF members clash at Kalafong Hospital

a year ago