Operation Shanela leads to over 10 000 arrests in a week: SAPS


Connect Radio News

Police have arrested over 10 000 suspects across the country during Operation Shanela over the last week. The arrests include crimes such as murder, rape, possession of illegal firearms and business robberies.

Some of the major highlights of the operation include the arrest of Namibian and Nigerian drug mules at the OR Tambo International Airport for possession of cocaine as well as 100 illegal miners.

SAPS spokesperson Amanda van Wyk says, “We have also arrested 217 drug dealers, 348 for drunk and driving and 784 for being in possession of drugs. We have recovered 115 firearms during operations. 26 of these firearms were confiscated during these operations in the Western Cape, while KwaZulu-Natal confiscated 22. 1 107 rounds of ammunition were confiscated, 44 hijacked and stolen vehicles were also recovered during this week’s operations.”

a day ago